Why the Fed's Zero Interest Rate Policy Isn't Working
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the more they experimented with Zirp, the more skeptical they seemed
about whether it really worked. The essential problem, they moaned, was
that Japan’s financial system was so broken that it had become
bifurcated: some companies desperately needed cash, but could not borrow
because the banks were too risk-averse to assume credit risk, with or
without Zirp.
healthy companies that did not need loans were finding it laughably
easy to raise money. The result was a classic liquidity trap. And, as
such, it left men such as Masaru Hayami, then serving as BoJ governor,
privately joking that he really ought to raise rates – not cut them –
since that, at least, would make long-suffering savers happy.
days, the shadow of Japan is hanging over America’s Federal Reserve
(and not just because when Ben Bernanke was an academic, he used to
write extensively on Zirp, and question whether Hayami was trying hard
enough). Last week, the Fed announced the latest variant in its
home-spun version of Zirp: the so-called ‘Twist’ operation, a move that
sees it purchasing long-term bonds and mortgage securities, in place of
short-term term debt and government bonds.
This aims to lower long-term borrowing costs, and thus supply more credit to the business sector and mortgage world.
the Fed’s problem – like Japan a decade ago – is as the International
Monetary Fund puts it in its latest financial stability report, the
economy is “bifurcated”. Many large American companies, particularly
those with global operations, are highly profitable and liquid.
Unsurprisingly, for them “bank lending conditions and capital market
financing remain easy”, the IMF notes.
many small and medium-sized companies – or the entities that typically
create jobs inside America, not overseas – find it hard to raise funds. A
survey conducted by the International Franchise Association in
Washington, for example, notes that whereas in March half of its members
expected credit conditions to improve soon, now less than a quarter
expect any easing; even as Treasury yields fall.
is bifurcation in the mortgage market too. On Thursday Freddie Mac
announced that the average rate on a conventional fixed-rate 30-year
mortgage had tumbled to an all-time low of 4.01 percent (and in western
US regions, just 3.95 percent), following ‘Operation Twist’. Wall Street
bankers are buzzing with tales of savvy financiers refinancing home
loans at rock-bottom rates. But, as a report from the Institute of
International Finance says, “in order to take advantage of lower
mortgage rates, borrowers have to refinance their mortgages, which can
be difficult to impossible, if the value of home equity has been
eroded”. Twist, in other words, does nothing for households with
negative equity (estimated to be about a quarter of the total); nor
those in distress (another quarter.) Worse still, Fannie and Freddie are
not allowed to refinance their loans. Little wonder that mortgage
approvals are falling fastest in communities with high levels of
negative equity and repossessions – precisely the area that the Fed
wants to help.
there any solution? At the IMF meetings last weekend, proposals fell
into three strands. Some voices, particularly in Europe, want regulators
to “urge” the banks to lend, via targets or political pressure.
Witness, for example, the calls made this week by the Financial Policy
Committee in the UK (which also faces a bifurcation problem.) However,
bank lobbyists retort that a better solution would be to water down
efforts to tighten capital standards; according to the IIF, what is
hurting credit provision is excessive regulation and uncertainty.
some economists are now pressing the Fed and other central banks to get
more directly involved in lending themselves. Alan Blinder, the former
vice-chairman of the Fed, for example, likes the idea of the Fed
purchasing more mortgage bonds, or even corporate loans; another
proposal floating around is to securitize loans to small American
businesses, which could then be purchased by the Fed, via another
version of Twist.
ideas may help at the margins; purchasing securitized bundles of SME
loans, for example, seems sensible. But none is a silver bullet, least
of all when eurozone woes are making US banks even more risk averse. If
Hayami were still alive today, it would be interesting to know what
advice he would give; and even more interesting to know how Bernanke
might respond.
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